Distributors' area
Certificate of performance
Standards of consumer protection
How do the manufacturer and distributor of construction products comply with the regulations?
Please always check the actuality of the standards on the Hungarian Standards Instituion's website.
The marketing of construction products are regulated by several laws and regulations, such as:
- Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products (CPR) and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EEC;
- Government Decree 275/2013. (VII.16.) on the rules of construction products' planning, installation and confirmation of performance in case of build-ups;
- Act LXXVIII of 1997 on the formation and protection of the built environment;
- Act CLV of 1997 on consumer protection;
- Act X of 1993 on products liability;
- Act LVII of 1996 on the prohibition of unfair trading practices and unfair competition.
Certificate of performance
With a few exceptions, a construction product can only be built in the construction or distributed, if its performance is certified by a declaration of performance.
The declaration of performance must be issued by the manufacturer or distributor in accordance with the 305/2011/EU regulation and 275/2013. (VII.16.) Hungarian Government Regulation, in case of the below construction prodcts:
- a product possessing a certificate by the harmonised standards or regulated by a European technical assessment and thus marked with a CE sign, also distributable in EEA area, OR
- a product possessong a certificate by the a national standard or regulated by a national technical assesment, therefore only distributable in Hungary.
Standards of consumer protection
- The manufacturer is required to warn consumer in writing of the risks associated with the intended use of the product.
- The product has to bear identifying marks.
- The following necessary data for consumer information and official verification has to be indicated legibly on the package in Hungarian language:
- name and address of the manufacturer and the distributor;
- place of origin;
- the ingredients used during manufacture;
- the expected time period of usability or durability;
- basic technical parameters;
- quality classification;
- conformity indication.
- A user manual has to be enclosed, which contains the necessary storing and operating conditions.
- Labelling, packaging and providing a user manual are the responsibility of the manufacturer. Price indication is the responsibility of the distributor. If the manufacturer does not fulfil its responsibility, the distributor has to rectify the error.
How do the manufacturer and distributor of construction products comply with the regulations?
1. The relevant product standard:
MSZ EN 197-1 Cement. Part 1:
Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
for common cements
- the characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of the standard above;
- the stability of the product’s performance is certified by the registered authorizing body in accordance with the regulations;
- in case of bagged product, the information required by the legislation, decrees, other technical regulations and other useful advices are affixed on the bag;
- in case of bulk cement, the data detailed above has to be included in the accompanying documents;
- a declaration of performance issued by the manufacturer belongs to the product.
Special cements. Part 1:
Moderate sulphate-resisting cements MSZ 4737-2
Special cements. Part 2:
White cements MSZ 4737-2
Note: In addition to the regulations of the standard above, these cement types has to comply with the requirements of MSZ EN 197-1 as well, and their certification is conducted based on this standard.
The relevant product standard:
MSZ EN 459-1 Building lime. Part 1:
Definitions, specifications and conformity criteria
- the characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of the standard above;
- the factory production control is certified by the registered authorizing body in accordance with the regulations;
- in case of bagged product, the information required by the legislation, decrees, other technical regulations and other useful advices are affixed on the bag;
- in case of bulk cement, the data detailed above has to be included in the accompanying documents;
- a declaration of performance issued by the manufacturer belongs to the product.
The following non-harmonised European standard ‘MSZ EN 206 Concrete. Technical specification, performance, production and conformity’ and nationally completed Hungarian Standard is the ’MSZ 4798-1 Concrete. Technical Requirements, Properties, Preparation and Conformity, and the Terms of Use of EN 206 in Hungary and its 1M and 2M amendments apply.
- the characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of the standard above;
- the factory production control is certified by the registered authorizing body in accordance with the regulations;
- the information required by the legislation, decrees, other technical regulations and other useful advices are included in the accompanying documents;
- a declaration of performance issued by the manufacturer belongs to the product.
The relevant harmonised product standards:
MSZ EN 12620+A1: 2008 Aggregates for concrete
MSZ EN 13043: Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas
MSZ EN 13055: Lightweight aggregates
MSZ EN 13139: Aggregates for mortar
MSZ EN 13242+A1: Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction
- the characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of the standard above;
- the factory production control is certified by the registered authorizing body in accordance with the regulations;
- the information required by the legislation, decrees, other technical regulations and other useful advices are included in the accompanying documents;
- a declaration of performance issued by the manufacturer belongs to the product.
The relevant harmonised product standards:
MSZ EN 934-1: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 1: Common requirements
MSZ EN 934-2+A1: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 2: Concrete admixtures. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
MSZ EN 934-3+A1: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 3: Admixtures for masonry mortar. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
MSZ EN 934-4: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 4: Admixtures for grout for prestressing tendons. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
MSZ EN 934-5: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 5: Admixtures for sprayed concrete. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling
MSZ EN 934-6: Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 6: Sampling, conformity control and evaluation of conformity
- the characteristics of the product comply with the requirements of the standard above;
- the factory production control is certified by the registered authorizing body in accordance with the regulations;
- in case of packaged product, the information required by the legislation, decrees, other technical regulations and other useful advices are affixed on the package;
- in case of bulk cement, the data detailed above has to be included in the accompanying documents;
- a declaration of performance issued by the manufacturer belongs to the product.